Thursday, February 16, 2012

2 Hopeful Spinster’s Movie Review of the  Moment

*21+ = alcohol is permitted in the theatre
= rating symbol of the moment…sad girl with bandaged head. (she probably has amnesia)
*ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5

Dellany’s Review

"How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways.. Oh, wait, I can't remember-- who are you again?? "
 Cute newlywed couple make cute- but mainly in flashbacks. Story starts when wifey unbuckles her seatbelt in a parked car so there can be a little car rompy-romp but then there is a horrible car accident-- (in a future blog, 2 hopeful spinsters must discuss safe parked places to have erm..cough cough.. quality conversations with the one you love). Hubby spends most of the movie living up to his wedding vows.. He will stop at nothing to help wifey get her memory back of them madly in love together-thru thick and thin, better or worse- in theory sounds romantic. Reality-- Ho hum.. I wanted Ryan Gosling to barge in to show Channing Tatum seduction 101 and grab Rachel McAdams in the pouring rain to remind her, " It wasn't over.. Is still isn't over" -- then make out as life itself depended on it. The best Mr. Tatum's character could do was play back a saved VM of her telling him sheloves him-- and she's still skeptical! I'm  the target audience for romantic movies, but I want to be fulfilled . This movie filled me in a way much like when you are in a time crunch and have to go thru a fast food drive- thru. Empty calories.  Loved all the actors. Jessica Lange will pull you in with a single gesture to her heart. Rachel McAdams is better than this cheese puff flick;  Channing Tatum's full back-al was a definite perk of the movie.  The disconnect I felt came from lazy story-telling followed by rushed editing due to a case of "how fast can we get a film out around Valentine's Day b/c their is nothing else to compete with it?". Sorry, The Vow,  I could have watched The Promise or the I Swear or whatever those movies are called on Lifetime to satiate my need for romantic drama.. My memory of the film is fading just as fast as you can say head trauma.. Ouch.


Heather’s Review:
Let me just start by saying that I am a fan of romance movies.  From A Walk to Remember (I know I’m not the ONLY one that liked that cheesy Mandy Moore classic) to Crazy, Stupid, Love, I love a little romance in my life.  What can I say? I am my mother’s daughter.  So when I settled in to see The Vow, I had high hopes.  Now, I knew it wouldn’t blow me away, but I was hoping that it would assuage my need for a nice, sappy romance flick, now that the Fa la la la Lifetime movies are long gone.  And while there were some romantic moments, some touching moments and definitely some eye candy moments (namely, Channing's backside), I found the movie, as a whole, to be quite uneven.  It was a long, and sometimes tiresome, game of cat and mouse.  Husband tries to get his amnesiatic wife to fall back in love with him, wife takes one step forward, two steps back, parents keep interfering,…blah, blah, blah.  The story just never went anywhere.  I don't blame the actors. They did their best with what they were given.  Rachel McAdams proved, once again, that she sparkles in nearly every role (I’m forgiving her for Midnight in Paris- she was too nice for that part), Channing Tatum was likeable and easy on the eyes, and Jessica Lange was, as always, brilliant.  The culprit, I believe, is the editing, as is often the case with movies that “sit around for awhile” (as this one did).  It was just choppy.  Maybe they did the best with what they had, who knows.  But since it was based on actual events, I think the fluidity and arc definitely could have been there.  But it just fell flat as a whole. 

Bottom line:  If your expectations are low, you may like this movie.  But don't set the bar too high.  And if you’re 21+, I highly recommend seeing it at a 21+ show.  Alcohol definitely helps.


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